Sunday, March 14, 2010

Alas... Conference in RCA

is no more for me.

Too far to travel, too little time.

Conference organizer (a big name scholar, by the way) said that he was very much looking forward to my presentation, and will miss my involvement.


Was he just being nice, or was my work truly that good?

He was just being nice.

I'm sure of it.


Scholar Wannabe said...

Sorry to hear that you won't make it to this conference.

timmyvj said...

I know you were disappointed to have to cancel . . .

Anonymous said...

He was trying to be nice and honest. I don't have the opportunity to read your work but I'm sure it's something that people want to hear from you.

Peggy said...

Seriously -he was disappointed. Conference organizers long to have great content - to be the one who pulls together the MOST compelling collection of information to share - this was his chance to showcase you and have an opportunity to be an influential in your career (which is expected to be brilliant), and now that chance is lost for him. He was being serious. You would have been great at the conference and you would have enjoyed it - a true win-win.

Alas it is not to be :-(
Next time....