One thing Barney said to me was that I can go back to my recorded interviews, and instead of transcribing them, just listen to them and making field notes.
But I am having trouble doing that. I am so afraid of missing out on the data and precious quotes that I end up taking too many notes and transcribing too much. One 1-hour interview can take me up 6 hours to note. What is worse is that after about 1 hour of such work, I get tired and don't want to continue. It is starting to feel tedious (the way that I am doing it).
And so, I decided that if I can "out" the block of mine on my blog and make it public--let the world know of my secret research shame--it might help me to better stick to the process. The last thing I want is to become so bogged down by the data that I become ineffective in data analysis.
Keep it broad. If it is an important aspect of the people's lived experience, it will show up again. I need to trust the classical GT process!